For first-time patients

For first-time patients

For reservation


When contacting us by phone, we would appreciate it if you could tell us at the beginning that you saw our website, so that we can respond more smoothly.

Laser treatment to reduce floaters
About reservations

  • The treatment will be performed by Director Matsubara, so please make an appointment for Dr. Matsubara's consultation on the day of the week.
    [Director's consultation days] Every Friday, Saturday, Thursday (excluding holidays)
  • As the examination and treatment takes more than 2 hours per person, we can only accept reservations for a maximum of 4 people per day.
    [Reservation slot] 11:00, 13:00, 15:00, 16:30

Hall ICL treatment
About applicable tests

  • If you wear soft contact lenses, please consider making a reservation for your visit after waiting at least 3 days without wearing them.
  • If you wear hard contact lenses, please contact us by phone.
  • There is no problem using glasses.

We also have a glaucoma outpatient clinic on Tuesdays and Sundays, which is very busy.
If you are not attending a specialized outpatient clinic, please preferentially choose outpatient clinics on (Monday), (Thursday), (Friday), and (Saturday).

Flow of medical examination



When you arrive at the hospital, please come to the reception desk first. We ask that you present your insurance card when you visit us for the first time or for a follow-up visit at the beginning of the month. At your first visit, we will ask you to fill out a medical questionnaire and ask about your medical condition in detail. It also supports My Number insurance cards.

Filling out the medical questionnaire


Please write down any concerns or wishes you may have regarding your eyes. This information is important for the doctor to understand your vision, so please fill it out, no matter how small.



We will perform appropriate tests according to your symptoms. Please let us know if there is anything you forgot to write on the medical questionnaire or if you are having trouble.



Based on the test results, we perform a detailed eye examination, mainly using a slit lamp microscope. Understand your eyes and symptoms to make the best diagnosis.

Things to bring on the day of your first visit

  • insurance card
  • medical certificate
  • My number card
  • Medicine notebook, health management notebook
  • Glasses, contact lenses, and lens cases you are currently using (if you have them)
  • Letter of introduction from another hospital (if you have one)

Diagnosis and treatment system

The following are the days on which specialist outpatient clinics are expected to be busy. General outpatient clinics are open on any day of the week.
*Holiday consultation hours: 12:30-17:30

[Clinic hours 11:00~19:00]
moon Dr. Hara or Dr. Kurita (every other week)
fire Dr. Soeda Cataract/Glaucoma/ICL applicable tests
water Closed days
wood Director Matsubara Floaters Treatment/Conjunctival Nevus Treatment
Money Director Matsubara Floaters Treatment/Conjunctival Nevus Treatment
soil Director Matsubara Floaters Treatment/Conjunctival Nevus Treatment
(Cataract/ICL treatment surgery day)
[Clinical hours 12:30~17:30]
Day Dr. Soeda Cataract/Glaucoma/ICL applicable tests

Information on clinic hours

medical treatment
moon fire water wood Money soil Day

*1 Tuesday 13:30~19:00
*2 Sundays and holidays 12:30~17:30
7F Kurashima Building, 2-26-6 Minamiikebukuro, Toshima-ku, Tokyo 171-0022
3 minutes walk from the east exit of JR "Ikebukuro" Station, 2 minutes walk from "Seibu Department Store Cosmetics Department Exit"