privacy policy

Matsubara Clinic (hereinafter referred to as "our clinic") recognizes that it is our important responsibility to properly handle the privacy of our patients and the personal information they provide, and is committed to protecting and managing such information.

Below we clarify our policy regarding the use, acquisition, management, and protection of patients' personal information on the website operated by our hospital (hereinafter referred to as "this site").

[Compliance with laws and regulations regarding personal information]

With regard to the personal information received from patients, we will comply with the Act on the Protection of Personal Information (hereinafter referred to as the "Personal Information Protection Act"), other related laws and regulations, and ordinances, norms, guidelines, etc. regarding the protection of personal information established by administrative agencies, etc.

[Purpose of use of personal information]

Our hospital may use patients' personal information or provide it to third parties within the scope of its original purpose of use in the following cases.

  • Providing medical services to patients
  • Providing information to patients
  • To provide information to patients and respond to inquiries
  • Coordination with other medical institutions, etc. and answering inquiries, etc.
  • Compliance with laws, regulations, etc. ・Explanation of medical condition to family members, etc.

[Acquisition of personal information]

For the purposes of using personal information described above, our hospital may ask patients to provide personal information such as their name, address, telephone number, and email address.
In addition, our hospital may ask for personal information other than the above in order to provide information in accordance with the patient's requests. In such cases, except for some required items, the information provided will be of the patient's own choice.

[Management of personal information]

Our hospital will take necessary measures to prevent unauthorized access to, loss, falsification, damage, leakage, etc. of patients' personal information, and will manage such information strictly.
In addition, we will thoroughly manage the personal information provided to us in an accurate and up-to-date manner.

[Provision and disclosure of personal information]

Except in the following cases, our hospital will not provide or disclose personal information provided by patients to third parties under any circumstances.

  • When the patient gives consent
  • When requested by law, etc.

[About obtaining access logs]

This website records information about those who access the website in an access log for the purpose of improving customer convenience and services. The information recorded in the log includes IP address, access date and time, pages viewed, and type of browser used, but does not include information that can identify individuals. If you do not want your information to be used, you can refuse to accept cookies by changing your browser settings.

[Correction, deletion, and inquiry of personal information]

If you wish to change, delete, or inquire about personal information provided on our website, please contact the following office and we will respond after confirming that the request comes from the individual in question.

Matsubara Clinic
7F Shimakura Building, 2-26-6 Minami-Ikebukuro, Toshima-ku, Tokyo 171-0022