Nowadays, as desk work has become mainstream, the number of people with myopia is increasing. Myopia is a condition in which you can see things up close (at the distance you look at your smartphone, computer, book, etc.) clearly, but distant scenery appears blurry. The focus is shifted in front of the retina. This page explains the causes and treatments of myopia, as well as the differences between myopia and hyperopia and astigmatism.

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    Causes, symptoms, treatment and costs of myopia

    What is myopia?

    Myopia is a condition in which the eye's light refracting mechanism does not work properly, and the focal point is in front of the retina. Near objects appear clear, while far objects appear blurry.

    Causes of myopia

    The causes of myopia can be broadly divided into genetic and environmental factors. Genetic factors are genetic predispositions. Environmental factors are factors other than genetics, such as lifestyle habits, work environment, and the distance between the eyes and the book when reading. Myopia treatment and prevention focuses on environmental factors.

    Comparison of myopia, hyperopia, astigmatism, and presbyopia

    Hyperopia, astigmatism, and presbyopia are all vision abnormalities like myopia, and each has the following characteristics:

    • Normal vision: Both near and far objects can be seen clearly and in focus
    • Hyperopia: Distant objects can be seen clearly by using the eye's accommodation function, and when looking at close objects, even greater accommodation is required, but this condition is prone to causing eye strain.
    • Astigmatism: Unable to focus on near or far objects, and they appear blurred
    • Presbyopia: The ability to adjust focus decreases and the range of vision (distance) becomes narrower.

    Myopia treatment process

    During the consultation, we will ask you about your current eye condition, your lifestyle habits, and the environment in which you read, and then perform a vision test to determine your vision and whether you have any other refractive errors (hyperopia, astigmatism, etc.). We will recommend vision correction devices such as glasses or contact lenses that match the test results. Other treatments available include ICL and orthokeratology.

    Types of vision correction treatment

    Let's find the vision correction (refractive correction) that suits you together. Most people find that glasses or contact lenses are sufficient, but some people consider refractive treatment such as LASIK or ICL for work-related, cosmetic, or other reasons.

    Treatment TypecostReversibilitySevere myopia
    contact lens
    Orthokeratology Treatment×
    ICL treatment (Implantable Contact Lens)


    It is about 12mm away from the cornea, so it is the safest option for your eyes. It is also recommended for children and others whose eyesight is expected to change in the future.

    contact lens

    Optically, they are more advantageous than glasses because the lenses are placed directly on the cornea. Objects do not appear smaller, and there is almost no restriction on vision. However, because they are placed on the cornea, proper hygiene management is required. In recent years, there has been an increase in problems caused by the misuse of colored contact lenses.

    Orthokeratology Treatment

    Wear them at night while sleeping to adjust the shape of the cornea to the desired shape and correct daytime vision. Recommended for those who are restricted from wearing glasses or contact lenses during sports or work. Most vision will return to normal if you stop using them. Not suitable for severe myopia.

    ICL treatment (Implantable Contact Lens)

    This is a treatment to correct vision by inserting a lens into the eye. A lens with a hole (holeIC phakic posterior chamber lens) is inserted between the iris and the lens. It is not possible to tell from the outside that a lens is present. As this treatment involves adding a lens to the eye, the cornea is not scraped and its shape remains almost unchanged. No lens care is required, and it can be removed during surgery. As this is a vision correction method that does not scrape the cornea, it can be used to treat even severe myopia if appropriate. Lenses are expensive.

    How to prevent myopia

    Myopia can be prevented to some extent, and the main ways to prevent it are:

    Even if you can't take frequent breaks because of your desk job, you can reduce strain on your eyes by paying attention to your posture and lighting.


    Can ICL myopia treatment be done on an outpatient basis?

    Yes, it is possible to have the procedure done on an outpatient basis. We do not perform corneal refractive surgery (LASIK or PRK) at our clinic.

    Is ICL myopia treatment available on weekends?

    Yes, surgery is performed on Saturday and the checkup is done the next day on Sunday.

    Is ICL myopia treatment painful?

    There is almost no pain because anesthesia is administered.

    Is ICL myopia treatment covered by insurance?

    ICL and orthokeratology are not covered by insurance.

    Is ICL myopia treatment eligible for medical expense deduction?

    ICL and orthokeratology are eligible for medical expense deductions.