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General diagnosis and treatment

【東京・池袋】緑内障の原因・症状・治療方法・手術 Glaucoma is a disease that affects the optic nerve and causes impaired vision and vision. 【東京・池袋】ドライアイの原因・症状・治療・手術・費用・光線治療 This is a disease that causes problems such as dry eyes, blurred vision, and pain due to a lack of tears. 【東京・池袋】加齢黄斑変性の原因・症状・治療方法・費用 This is a disease in which bleeding and swelling occur in the center of the retina due to aging, resulting in decreased vision. 【東京・池袋】ものもらいの原因や症状・治療方法・費用・注意点などを徹底解説 Two types of growths, styes, are called styes: styes and chalazions. 【東京・池袋】眼精疲労の原因・症状・治療方法・費用 Eye strain is a condition in which you feel symptoms such as fatigue or pain in your eyes or the whole body due to overuse of your eyes. 【東京・池袋】近視の原因・症状・治療方法・費用 The condition in which you can see things close up but have difficulty seeing things far away is called myopia. 【東京・池袋】結膜炎の原因・症状・種類・治療方法 Conjunctivitis is an inflammation of the conjunctiva caused by viruses, bacteria, pollen, etc. 【東京・池袋】糖尿病性網膜症の原因・症状・治療方法・手術 Diabetes-related damage that leads to loss of vision is called diabetic retinopathy. 【東京・池袋】コンタクトレンズ処方 We will explain the contact lens prescription process and what to bring on the day. 【東京・池袋】網膜裂孔の原因・症状・種類・治療方法 A tear or hole in the retina is called a retinal break.